Breakups Aren’t Always Bad For A Relationship

When a relationship ends, or the decision is made to breakup, it can be a very devastating time for one or both partners. This is especially true for couples that have been together for a very long time. That’s not to say that couples don’t feel the pain of a breakup when it’s only been six months or so. It just means that the pain of separation is usually felt much stronger with people that have been connected for years. Things get even worse when one of the partners never saw the end coming. Continue reading Breakups Aren’t Always Bad For A Relationship

What You Can Learn From Kate’s Breakup with Prince William

When Prince William finally asked Kate Middleton to be his bride it came as a delightful surprise to many since the prince and Kate had broken up in the past. The way that Kate handled herself during that breakup can be both encouragement and a lesson to many women that have been broken up with. If you’re one of these women, read on and pay close attention to how Kate dealt with the situation and still ended up with her man. Continue reading What You Can Learn From Kate’s Breakup with Prince William

Revisiting the Past

When someone you loved more than anything in the world has decided to end the relationship with you, it’s possible that you mope around crying and depressed for days or weeks. The only thing you can focus on is trying to get this person back in your life and somehow make him or her love you again. It’s all you sleep, breathe and eat. How can you get your ex back and have things the way they were? Continue reading Revisiting the Past

Getting Over Your Ex When He’s Over You

If you’ve had a relationship end and all you can think about is getting your ex back, you’ve probably tried everything you can think of to get him to say it was all mistake and that he’s still in love with you. In fact, this is most likely the fantasy that you carry with you day after day. You continue to hold in your mind just how it will all take place when he comes racing back to you, begging for your forgiveness while proclaiming his love for you. Continue reading Getting Over Your Ex When He’s Over You

Should You Give Your Ex Another Chance?

When a relationship ends there are several scenarios that can come about. One is that the partner that wanted to breakup moves on, either alone, or to someone else. Another possibility is that the one that did not want the breakup continues to hold out hope that there will be a reconciliation. There’s still another possibility of both parties moving on and remaining friends. Any and all of these scenarios are possible in the wake of a breakup. Continue reading Should You Give Your Ex Another Chance?